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Conference of African-American & African Diasporic

Culture & Experience


In this pdf it holds a power point of a presentation I worked on with another student for my Media Ethics class. It is a research project regard how Fox News covered the Black Lives Matter movement in Charlotte, NC. We made a content analysis, coding sheet and annotated bibliography to go with the project. Other than presenting in class I had the opportunity to present our research with another student at the Conference on African-American & African Diasporic Culture & Experience at the University of North Carolina in Greensboro.

Belle Knox vs. Kim Kardashian


In these files are a power point presentation and research paper regarding a project I did for my Mass Media and Society class. The project was on Belle Knox a student at Duke University who was an American former pornographic  actress, and Kim Kardashian. The project was based on how individuals become famous/celebrities through the same instances such as explicit exposure. The question was do they receive the same reaction from society or industry? Does their career grow or lead to a downfall?


In these files are a power point presentation and research paper regarding a project I did for my Mass Media and Society class. The project was on Journalism and the dangers that can come with it. I researched multiple journalist who have had negative experiences who were able to share their story and those who weren't. I did this project because I believe you should know the pros and cons o the career you want to go into. Being aware of the possibilities that could happen as well. It's better to know than no to know.  



The Dangers of Journalism


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